The D2 Center 2023-24 Annual Report (PDF) is now available. Highlights from the past year include: A total of 443 students were served in the YAN Program 133 students graduated in the YAN program and 220 students were newly activated into the program 91 students...
United Way of the Midlands Awards $40,000 Grant to the D2 Center to Fund Youth Academic Navigator (YAN) / Reengagement Specialist Program
MEDIA CONTACTS: Greg Emmel and Carolyn T. Miller, Executive Directors D2 Center 402-502-8534 For Immediate Release: July 30, 2024 United Way of the Midlands Awards $40,000 Grant to the D2 Center to Fund Youth Academic Navigator (YAN) / Reengagement...
D2 Center Summer 2024 Elective Credits
D2 Center elective credits have been in demand this school year! The first three quarters of 2023-24, 33 students earned 53 D2C elective credits. Electives include English, math, and Navigating Your Future. Now that summer is here, the D2 Center is hopping with...
D2 Center 2022-23 Annual Report
The D2 Center 2022-23 Annual Report (PDF) is now available. Highlights from the past year include: 389 students served in the YAN Program; 217 newly activated into the program; and 94 students in the YAN Program graduated from high school We appreciate the ongoing...
Welcome, Lilian!
Lilian Rios Navarette is pictured between the two bulletin boards she created this summer for the D2 Center conference room. Lilian will be a senior at South High and is working at the D2 Center this summer and school year as a part of the Avenue Scholars Intern Omaha...
D2 Center YAN Evelia Gutiérrez Honored at Metro Community College Cinco de Mayo Celebration
On Thursday, May 4, 2023, D2 Center Youth Academic Navigator (YAN) Evelia Gutiérrez was honored during a special presentation at the Metro Community College (MCC) Cinco de Mayo celebration. After music from Los Nobles, lunch from La Mesa Restaurant, and keynote...
D2 Center 2021-22 Annual Report
The D2 Center 2021-22 Annual Report (PDF) is now available. This report includes information about the students we serve, program outcomes, and our organization overall. A few highlights: 83 students graduated in the YAN program and 197 students were newly activated...
Fall 2022 D2 Center Tutoring and Elective Credit Classes
Fall is here! Time to kick off D2 Center tutoring and elective credits for the 2022-23 school year. Tutoring from certified teachers is available in-person or via Teams/Zoom at convenient times Earn up to three elective credits this year Notify your YAN if you’re...
The D2 Center is Hiring! September 2022
Update 10/03/2022: This position has been filled. The D2 Center is hiring a Youth Academic Navigator (YAN)! For more information and to apply, please see the listing on CareerLink. Join our team of seven YANs. The D2 Center YAN builds a positive and supportive...
Drum Roll, Please! D2 Center 100 Diploma Challenge Results
Early last fall, as the pandemic lingered on, we were brainstorming how to set the stage for a new, better-than-ever school year and we came up with the 100 Diploma Challenge. One hundred graduates in one year would be unprecedented; recent previous yearly totals...
United Way of the Midlands Awards $45,000 Grant to the D2 Center to Fund Youth Academic Navigator (YAN) / Reengagement Specialist Program
Press Release MEDIA CONTACTS: Greg Emmel and Carolyn T. Miller, Executive Directors D2 Center 402-502-8534 For Immediate Release: August 1, 2022 United Way of the Midlands Awards $45,000 Grant to the D2 Center to Fund Youth Academic Navigator (YAN) /...
D2 Center 2022 Summer Elective Classes
May is here and it's time to start thinking about summer! Every year the D2 Center offers options for students who are in need of elective credits. These courses are designed to complement OPS summer school opportunities and are taught by Nebraska certified teachers....
D2 Center and Blackburn Alternative Program
Career Navigators John Moore and Bette Norton Ball (pictured in the Christmas sweater) assisted Blackburn school staff with planning and distribution of food baskets to Blackburn students and families on December 13, 2021. The holiday meal includes all the fixings and...
D2 Center 2020-21 Annual Report
The D2 Center Annual Report (PDF) for the 2020-2021 fiscal year is now available. Our Annual Report offers information about the students we serve, program outcomes, and our organization overall. After a rough ending to the 2019-20 school year thanks to the pandemic,...
United Way of the Midlands Awards $30,000 Grant to the D2 Center to Fund Youth Academic Navigator (YAN) / Reengagement Specialist Program
Press Release MEDIA CONTACTS: Greg Emmel and Carolyn T. Miller, Executive Directors D2 Center 402-502-8534 For Immediate Release: August 27, 2021 United Way of the Midlands Awards $30,000 Grant to the D2 Center to Fund Youth Academic Navigator (YAN)...
The D2 Center is Hiring! August 2021
**UPDATE: These postings are closed as of 9/01/2021.** The start of the school year is right around the corner and the D2 Center is looking to hire two individuals to help with our growing program. For more information and to apply, please see our postings on...
D2 Center 2021 Virtual Summer Elective Classes
Summer is right around the corner and we're pleased to share our elective credit plans for Summer 2021! D2 Center summer options are virtual this year; see course descriptions and requirements below. Please contact Director Greg Emmel with questions or to sign up...
Spring 2021 D2 Center Tutoring and Elective Credit Classes
In November 2020, the D2 Center began offering tutoring and elective credit classes virtually to D2 Center students. We have refined these virtual processes a bit - please see details below. We are here to help and would love to see you (virtually, for now)! Tutoring...
2020-21 Tutoring and Elective Credit Classes at the D2 Center
In November 2020, the D2 Center began offering tutoring and elective credit classes virtually to D2 Center students. Staff Specialist Jodie Martinez coordinates the curriculum and student participation for the elective credit classes—"Navigating Your Future" and an...
D2 Center 2019-20 Annual Report
The D2 Center Annual Report (PDF) for the 2019-20 fiscal year is now available. Our Annual Report offers information about the students we serve, program outcomes, and our organization overall. The current pandemic created unique challenges in the final quarter of...
D2 Center / OPS Virtual Summer Pandemic Partnership
The D2 Center partnered with the Omaha Public Schools in the summer of 2020 to offer three classes to supplement OPS virtual summer classes. For the past nine years, D2 Center teachers have offered two elective credit classes to D2 Center students in the summer. This...
United Way of the Midlands Awards $15,000 Grant to the D2 Center to Fund Youth Academic Navigator (YAN) / Reengagement Specialist Program
Press Release MEDIA CONTACTS: Greg Emmel and Carolyn T. Miller, Executive Directors D2 Center 402-502-8534 For Immediate Release: August 6, 2020 United Way of the Midlands Awards $15,000 Grant to the D2 Center to Fund Youth Academic Navigator (YAN) /...
D2 Center Virtual Summer Elective Classes
The D2 Center partnered with the Omaha Public Schools (OPS) this summer in June and July and is offering three classes to D2 Center students and a few other OPS students who are trying to graduate. All the classes are taught remotely utilizing Zoom meetings, cell...
Congrats D2 Center Scholarship Winners!
Congratulations to these D2 Center students who earned scholarships for college this spring! We are so proud of you, your hard work and perseverance.
Standing Together Against Injustice
The heart of the D2 Center mission is to re-engage struggling high school students and provide support as they make progress towards their high school diploma. Our philosophy is that helping to increase student access to educational opportunities and academic success...
D2 Center and Omaha Gives! May 20, 2020
Please join us in this local day of giving. We're still serving our students, who struggle in the best of times, and have even celebrated a few graduations! But these students need us now more than ever. We are staying true to our mission and are supporting our...
D2 Center Operational Changes in Response to COVID-19
In order to do our part to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and protect our staff and students, as of the end of Friday, March 13, the D2 Center has closed our physical office and moved to a remote work model. Youth Academic Navigator (YAN) support of students will...
Omaha World-Herald Sponsored Feature: Opportunity Youth Alliance
Thanks to the United Way of the Midlands, a new Sponsored Feature in the Omaha World-Herald shines a spotlight on the Opportunity Youth Alliance, a group of more than 5o local nonprofits working with youth ages 16-24. The D2 Center has been active with the OYA since...
D2 Center 2018-19 Annual Report
The D2 Center Annual Report (PDF) for the 2018-2019 fiscal year is now available. Our Annual Report offers information about the students we serve, program outcomes, and our organization overall. High-level results for the year include: — 368 total students served in...
Join us! D2 Center Trivia Night: Fri. Nov. 15, 2019 6-9PM
Please join us Friday, November 15, 2019 from 6-9 PM for our first-ever fundraiser! Put together a team of trivia wizards to compete for prizes and enjoy pizza, beer / wine, and soft drinks. Register here, and check out sponsorship opportunities as well. We're looking...