D2 Center

D2 Center Operational Changes in Response to COVID-19

by | Mar 17, 2020 | General, News, Updates

In order to do our part to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and protect our staff and students, as of the end of Friday, March 13, the D2 Center has closed our physical office and moved to a remote work model.

Youth Academic Navigator (YAN) support of students will continue by phone or email. The primary focus of YANs is to lend a sympathetic ear at this difficult time and refer to community resources that can further assist. YANs will be able to see their students in person again when school is back in session. Students, your YAN will be reaching out to you this week. If you need to contact your YAN, please call / text their cell phone or call the D2 Center (402-502-8534) and leave a message. You can also email info@d2center.org. We will route your message to your YAN.

A small number of students were working on an elective credit this semester at the D2 Center. YANs and teachers are reaching out to these students so they may continue their credit remotely.

If you experience symptoms of or have questions about Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) please see the Douglas County Health Department website or call the DCHD at 402-444-3400.

We will revisit this plan on an ongoing basis and at week’s end. We wish everyone good health and thank you for your support. Our students and families will be hit hard by this situation and we will do our best to continue helping our students navigate this challenging time.

Here are some additional helpful links.

Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information
Omaha Public Schools (OPS) COVID-19 resource page
UNMC COVID-19 Community Information page
CDC COVID-19 resource page

Omaha Public Schools (OPS) Information
OPS District Home page
OPS Accelere Program Updates
OPS Independent Study Program Updates

Food Insecurity
Food Bank for the Heartland
Together Omaha Pantry Services
Project Hope Food Pantry
St. Vincent De Paul Food Pantry
Youth Emergency Services Street Outreach Center

About Carolyn

Carolyn Miller is one of the directors of the D2 Center. She is a graduate of Omaha Northwest High School and the University of Iowa. Carolyn has been with the D2 Center since 2010.
