Lilian Rios Navarette is pictured between the two bulletin boards she created this summer for the D2 Center conference room. Lilian will be a senior at South High and is working at the D2 Center this summer and school year as a part of the Avenue Scholars Intern Omaha...
Meet the Staff
D2 Center YAN Evelia Gutiérrez Honored at Metro Community College Cinco de Mayo Celebration
On Thursday, May 4, 2023, D2 Center Youth Academic Navigator (YAN) Evelia Gutiérrez was honored during a special presentation at the Metro Community College (MCC) Cinco de Mayo celebration. After music from Los Nobles, lunch from La Mesa Restaurant, and keynote...
YAN Spotlight: Olga Yaneth Mares
Our YAN Spotlight series is an extension of our "Meet the Staff" series of posts where we follow up with our Youth Academic Navigators since the last time they were featured on the blog. Our fourth post features Olga Yaneth Mares, who goes by Yaneth, and who started...
YAN Spotlight: Curtis Morgan
Our new YAN Spotlight series is an extension of our "Meet the Staff" series of posts where we follow up with our Youth Academic Navigators since the last time they were featured on the blog. Our third post features Curtis Morgan, who started at the D2 Center in...
YAN Spotlight: Kelsey Hansen
Our new YAN Spotlight series is an extension of our "Meet the Staff" series of posts where we follow up with our Youth Academic Navigators since the last time they were featured on the blog. Our second post features Kelsey Hansen, who started at the D2 Center in...
YAN Spotlight: Netta Prince
Our new YAN Spotlight series is an extension of our "Meet the Staff" series of posts where we follow up with our Youth Academic Navigators since the last time they were featured on the blog. First up is Netta Prince, who is our longest-tenured YAN; she started at the...
Meet the Staff: Evelia Gutiérrez, Youth Academic Navigator (YAN)
In the latest installment of our “Meet the Staff” series, get to know Youth Academic Navigator (YAN) Evelia Gutiérrez, who joined our staff in October, 2018. You can hear more from Evelia on The Landscape from the Omaha Community Foundation, and learn about other D2...
Welcome Jodie Martinez to the D2 Center Staff!
Jodie is the newest D2 Center staff member and she’s team teaching two elective credit classes at the D2 Center this summer with Ms. Clem Bell. Ms. Martinez just completed a 32-year career with the Omaha Public Schools—all as an English teacher at Central High. The...
D2 Center YAN Evelia Gutiérrez’s story on “The Landscape”
D2 Center Youth Academic Navigator (YAN) Evelia Gutiérrez shares her story on The Landscape from the Omaha Community Foundation. Below is a brief excerpt; you can listen to Evelia's powerful story in its entirety here. "...I think youth need to be engaged, because if...
Promiseship Certificate of Appreciation Awarded to D2 Center YAN Jesi DeWitt
Congratulations to D2 Center YAN Jesi DeWitt, who was awarded a certificate of appreciation at the Promiseship quarterly meeting. Jesi was nominated by Amanda Gould, who wrote: Jesi started working with one of my youth as her youth academic navigator through the D2...
Meet the D2 Center Staff: Jesi DeWitt, Youth Academic Navigator (YAN)
We have a couple of new hires at the D2 Center, so our "Meet the Staff" series is back! Please take a moment to get to know Jesi DeWitt, one of our YANs. And you can learn about other D2 Center staff on our Meet the Staff blog page. What’s your role at the D2 Center?...
Meet the D2 Center Staff: Hansel Gonzalez, Youth Academic Navigator (YAN)
In the latest installment of our "Meet the Staff" series, get to know our newest hire, Youth Academic Navigator (YAN) Hansel Gonzalez. Learn about other D2 Center staff on our Meet the Staff blog page. Welcome, Hansel! What’s your role at the D2 Center? I am a Youth...
Congratulations D2 Center YANS Crystal and Curtis!
Huge congratulations are in order to D2 Center YANs Crystal Cardenas and Curtis Morgan. Crystal and Curtis earned graduate degrees at Bellevue University this past December. Crystal earned a Master of Science in Justice Administration and Crime Management, and Curtis...
Meet the D2 Center Staff: Curtis Morgan, Youth Academic Navigator (YAN)
Here is the latest entry in the D2 Center Meet the Staff series. Meet YAN Curtis Morgan! What’s your role at the D2 Center? Youth Academic Navigator (YAN) How long have you worked at the D2 Center? I started working at the D2 Center in September of 2015 and have been...
Meet the D2 Center Staff: Olga Yaneth López, Youth Academic Navigator (YAN)
After a long hiatus, our "Meet the Staff" blog series is back. Please meet one of our newest employees, YAN Olga Yaneth López, who goes by Yaneth. Welcome, Yaneth! What’s your role at the D2 Center? I am a Youth Academic Navigator. I work with disengaged students and...
Bellevue University Features D2 Center YAN Crystal Cardenas
D2 Center Youth Academic Navigator (YAN) Crystal Cardenas is currently featured on the Bellevue University Alumni Blog. On top of being a fantastic YAN for her students here at the D2 Center, Crystal earned her Master of Science in Justice Administration and Crime...
Meet the D2 Center Staff: Kelsey Hansen, Youth Academic Navigator (YAN)
Meet our newest staff member, Kelsey Hansen. Kelsey joined us in September as a Youth Academic Navigator (YAN). You can meet the rest of our staff in the archives. What’s your role at the D2 Center? I am a YAN at the D2 Center. You can say I am like a mentor for the...
Meet the D2 Center Staff: Netta Prince, Intake Specialist & YAN
Our Meet the Staff Series continues this week with Q & A with Netta Prince, intake specialist and Youth Academic Navigator (YAN). Read previous Meet the Staff posts on the Meet the Staff page. What’s your role at the D2 Center? I am an Intake Specialist and YAN....
Meet the D2 Center Staff: Carolyn Miller, Director
This is the second in our series of "Meet the Staff" posts: this time, Carolyn Miller, one of our directors. Read previous "Meet the Staff" posts on the "Meet the Staff" page. What’s your role at the D2 Center? I am a director. I have a hand in most of the things that...
Meet the D2 Center Staff: Greg Emmel, Director
Today is the first in a series of "Meet the Staff" posts. First up: Greg Emmel, one of our directors. What’s your role at the D2 Center? I’m a director. Basically, that means I’m involved in most everything that happens at the D2 Center. How long have you worked at...