D2 Center


Dropout Facts from American Graduate

American Graduate, an initiative supported by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, has published some telling facts about dropouts in the United States. Did you know: -- One in four high students drops out each year -- High school graduates are more likely to be...

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D2 Center Student Resources Page

The D2 Center Student Resources page contains information for students and parents, including links to: -- our Student Facebook page -- the Building Bright Futures Early Childhood Services Teen & Young Parent Program -- Nebraska Career Connections -- the Omaha...

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D2 Center Back-to-School Blitz

On Sunday, August 12, 2012, the D2 Center celebrated the start of the school year with our students, parents, youth advocates (Youth Academic Navigators, called YANs) and staff. We started off with a meal of pizza, pop, veggies, and cookies, followed by an...

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What is a YAN? A Youth Academic Navigator!

One of the most important elements of the D2 Center program is the YAN, short for Youth Academic Navigator. A YAN is an advocate for the student who connects with them frequently to see how they are doing academically, specifically checking in on credit accrual,...

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