Our partners over at Child Saving Institute have shared this positive profile of one of our students and her case manager, Tricia Wagner, on their blog. The D2 Center partners with the Building Bright Futures Early Childhood Services (ECS) Teen & Young Parent program (TYPP) to serve pregnant and parenting students in our program. ECS in turn partners with four agencies in the community: Child Saving Institute, Visiting Nurse Association, Lutheran Family Services, and Nebraska Children’s Home Society to support these students in various ways.
We refer D2 Center pregnant and parenting teens to ECS and vice versa. The Youth Academic Navigator (YAN) for a student in the ECS TYPP program is their case manager from one of these four agencies. The D2 Center YAN supports the student in their academic endeavors and helps them focus on their studies and credit accumulation, and the ECS YAN or case manager takes this a step further with additional support including prenatal education, parenting classes, support groups, and more.
It’s wonderful to see the progress Jade is making with support from Tricia. Great job, both of you!