We're finalizing our fall tutoring and elective credit class schedules -- we'll share them at the end of August, ready to start tutoring and classes at the beginning of September. We normally offer math, reading, and career exploration throughout the school year on...
D2 Center Courses
Summer 2014 Elective Credit Opportunities at the D2 Center
The D2 Center once again will provide our students the opportunity to take elective credit classes at the D2 Center this summer. One or two experienced and certified teachers provide individual student attention and great opportunities for learning and earning a...
No D2 Center Tutoring or Classes March 10-14, 2014
There will be no classes or tutoring at the D2 Center March 10-14, 2014, due Omaha Public Schools spring break. Enjoy your time off!
Updated Tutoring Schedule, Feb. 3 – Mar. 7, 2014
During the school year, the D2 Center offers ongoing elective credit classes and tutoring in math and reading for D2 Center students. Our Careers & Community Engagement program also allows career exploration and guidance. These are great opportunities to receive...
D2 Center Ongoing Elective Credit Classes & Tutoring 2013-14
Now that the school year has started, the D2 Center is once again offering ongoing elective credit classes and tutoring in math and reading for D2 Center students. We also offer career exploration and guidance through our Careers & Community Engagement program....
Starting Sept. 2013: Weekly Math & Reading Classes / Tutoring Available
We're wrapping up our summer elective classes for the year and starting to plan for fall already! Once again this year we'll be offering math and reading elective credit classes and tutoring on selected weekday afternoons, taught by certified teachers. These classes...
2013 Summer Elective Classes at the D2 Center: July & August
Our first class, Reading Strategies, has wrapped up and our second, Careers and Community Engagement, is underway. There are two classes left to sign up for this summer, along with one-on-one math by appointment. For students who are behind in credits, this is a great...
2013 Summer Elective Classes at the D2 Center
Despite possible snow in the forecast this week (April?!), it's time to start thinking about summer plans, including ways to catch up on elective credits during summer break! The D2 Center will offer five different elective credit opportunities this summer. Take a...
D2 Center Math and Reading Classes Available
The D2 Center offers two ongoing elective credit courses taught by certified teachers: Math and Reading. These classes are available twice a week and each class allows students the opportunity to bring in assignments from current classes they’re taking in their...
D2 Center December 2012 Holiday Hours
The D2 Center will be closed Monday, December 24, and Tuesday, December 25, reopening on Wednesday, December 26. We will also be closed Monday, December 31, and Tuesday, January 1, 2013, reopening Wednesday, January 2. Have a safe and happy holiday season!
D2 Center Elective Credit Math Class Starts Dec. 17, 2012
A new D2 Center elective credit math class starts Monday, December 17, 2012. The class, taught by Nebraska certified math teachers Ms. Donna Trout and Ms. Jackie Thomas, allows for ongoing participation every week on Monday and Wednesday afternoons. Online global...
New D2 Center Reading Strategies Class Starting Oct. 3, 2012
The D2 Center is offering a Reading Strategies class starting October 3, 2012, with a schedule that's extremely flexible to meet the needs of our students. Students will have the opportunity to earn an elective credit through their ongoing participation every...
July 2012 D2 Center Elective Credit Class Schedule
Summer break is drifting by and we've finished up two elective credit classes here at the D2 Center -- and we still have two to go! This is a great opportunity for you to brush up on your skills and start the school year off with a couple of credits under your belt....
June 11-29, 2012: Math Skills Elective Credit Class at the D2 Center
Our Numeracy: Fundamentals and Connections elective credit course starts this Monday, June 11. The class, taught by certified teachers Jackie Thomas and Donna Trout, runs for 3 weeks from 2-5 PM. This is a great opportunity to sharpen your math skills and earn a...
D2 Center Elective Credit Class Schedule, Summer 2012
Here at the D2 Center, we view summer as a time for good weather, fun outside, maybe some travel, and... the perfect opportunity to catch up on elective credits! This summer the D2 Center is offering four classes for students who need elective credits toward their...
D2 Center Numeracy Fundamentals & Connections Course: Math Skills for Every Day
The D2 Center is currently offering an elective credit math course called Numeracy: Fundamentals & Connections. Taught by Jackie Thomas and Donna Trout, this class helps students boost their math skills. “Our number one goal is to help the students realize how...
D2 Center Literacy & Life Skills Course: Reading, Writing, and Respect
This month, the D2 Center is offering an elective credit course in Literacy & Life Skills, taught by certified teachers Clem Bell and Dianne Kielniarz. The class focuses on the importance of reading and writing with an emphasis on an atmosphere of shared respect....
D2 Center Reading Strategies Course: Sharpen Your Reading Skills
The D2 Center is currently offering a course in Reading Strategies. Teacher Joan Hamilton, recently retired from Omaha Public Schools (OPS), has based the class on techniques from Read Right, seeking to answer the question, “What does it mean to read excellently?”...