During the school year, the D2 Center offers ongoing elective credit classes and tutoring in math and reading for D2 Center students. Our Careers & Community Engagement program also allows career exploration and guidance. These are great opportunities to receive one-on-one assistance from certified teachers. Please see the schedule below.
Note: There will be no tutoring/class during OPS spring break the week of March 10-14, 2014.
1) Math Skills Elective Credit: Wednesdays (2-5:30) and Fridays (2-5:30 p.m.)*
2) Reading Strategies Elective Credit: Tuesdays (2:30-5:30) and Thursdays (2-5:30 p.m.)*
3) Tutoring Schedule:*
– Math tutoring available Wednesdays and Fridays 2 – 5:30
– Tutoring in all subjects for reading/writing-related help available Tuesdays and Thursdays
*Please contact Greg Emmel (402-502-8534) to be added to the list before attending the first time. After that all communication occurs directly between the teacher and the student/parent via phone/text. Students can attend all or a portion of the scheduled times and days, but must communicate with the teacher each time before attending. Students can attend for just tutoring as needed, or students can attend more regularly and complete a reading or math curriculum to bank hours toward an elective credit.
4) Careers and Community Engagement
Call Ebony Hawkins (402-502-8534) to schedule an appointment to begin this class. Explore careers, develop a resume, work on soft skills, create a career plan, and engage in career and post-secondary activities in the community. Although hours can be banked toward an elective credit, Ebony is available to assist with whatever career and post-secondary needs students may have.