D2 Center

Summer 2014 Elective Credit Opportunities at the D2 Center

by | Apr 17, 2014 | Career Navigator Program, D2 Center Courses, Events, General

The D2 Center once again will provide our students the opportunity to take elective credit classes at the D2 Center this summer. One or two experienced and certified teachers provide individual student attention and great opportunities for learning and earning a credit. Class sizes are limited, so call 402-502-8534 today!

Careers and Community Engagement: Wed., May 28 – Thurs., June 12 (1 – 5 p.m. weekdays)

— Students will utilize the Nebraska Career Connections website to explore and select career options, identify educational and training pathways, create a resume, and develop soft skills needed to be successful in a career.
— Students may also participate in career experiences in the community.

Literacy and Life Skills: Mon., June 16 – Wed., July 2 (1 – 5 p.m. weekdays)

— Students will self-select and read a variety of articles, books, short stories, plays, and poetry while completing extensive journaling
— Students will learn how to outline, develop and write essays and an autobiographical essay
— Students will learn, explain, and participate in the Sixteen Habits of the Mind

Better Family Health: Tues., July 8 – Thurs., July 24 (9 a.m. – 1 p.m. weekdays)

— Students will study and actively participate in the seven pillars of health: water and hydration, sleep and rest, nutrition, exercise, coping with stress, life-long learning and genetics
— Students will research and discuss the eight dimensions of wellness and will turn in a project over heart health, lung health, diabetes, cancer, obesity, allergies, or asthma

You Are the Money!:  Mon., July 28 – Fri., August 8 (8 a.m. – 1 p.m. weekdays)

— Students will understand what money really is and how habits, attitudes, and cause and effect determine income and prosperity
— Students will learn how to develop and implement a plan to invest in future success

Math or Reading Elective Credit: June and July at scheduled times

— Students master the fundamentals of mathematics and beyond by using Khan Academy (online) in a math computer lab setting; a diagnostic test at the beginning of the course allows teachers to differentiate instruction, build on individual math skills, and provide 1:1 assistance.
— Students focus on building reading comprehension, fluency, and confidence using materials in a range of subjects adapted to the student’s reading level; the course utilizes Read Right techniques with intensive coaching; reading service, conversations about the reading, and reading journals help build critical reading skills.
— Students need to call D2 Center Director Greg Emmel (402-502-8534) to schedule times to complete courses.  Math/Reading teachers available June and July based on student requests.

*All courses are for elective credit and a minimum of 45 hours of class time and the successful completion of all assignments and tests is required.  Courses are graded pass/fail.

Download the flyer (PDF): D2 Center 2014 Summer Electives

About Carolyn

Carolyn Miller is one of the directors of the D2 Center. She is a graduate of Omaha Northwest High School and the University of Iowa. Carolyn has been with the D2 Center since 2010.
