D2 Center

D2 Center Summer 2019 Elective Credit Classes

by | May 13, 2019 | Career Navigator Program, D2 Center Courses, Events, General, News, Updates

Are you behind in elective credits? Catch up this summer with two elective credit classes at the D2 Center. Class sizes are small and students get one-on-one attention from our staff of caring, Nebraska-certified teachers. Make the most of your summer!

**Please call 402-502-8534 to enroll.**

Better Family Health: Monday, July 1 – Wednesday, July 17 (9 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. weekdays; no class on July 4 or 5)

This class will actively promote the health and physical wellness of students and increase their health knowledge. The prevention of health-related illness and diseases will be emphasized. Students will:

  • Meet with a registered nurse and determine weight, height, body mass index, blood pressure, and pulse.
  • Research, discuss, and actively participate in the Seven Pillars of Health and Eight Dimensions of Wellness.
  • Keep a food, water, and sleep journal and participate in daily exercise.
  • Be provided and be encouraged to eat healthy snacks and more fruits and vegetables.
  • Research, study and complete assignments to understand causes and prevention of heart disease, asthma, allergies, diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, stress, and sexually transmitted diseases.

Literacy and Life Skills: Friday, July 19 – Friday, August 2 (9 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. weekdays)

Students will read a novel, short stories, plays, articles, and poetry. The class will also include lessons and activities focused on career and postsecondary planning and connections. Students will:

  • Write, revise, and edit an autobiographical essay.
  • Use strategies and graphic organizers before, during, and after reading to aid in the construction and enhancement of meaning.
  • Identify and explain the significance of the essential literary elements of novels (i.e. character, setting, conflict, plot, climax, resolution, theme, tone, and point of view).
  • Respond in discussions and in writing to works of fiction, non-fiction, and diverse cultural perspectives by using personal, literal, interpretative, and evaluative questioning.
  • Engage in informal writing assignments (i.e. reader response, free writing, focused free writing, prediction, response journals) to experience the different elements of the writing process.
  • Engage in informal and formal writing assignments utilizing all stages of the writing process.
  • Meet with D2 Center Career Navigators for postsecondary planning: career exploration, jobs vs. careers, training and education, resume writing, and developing a future identity.

*Classes are for D2 Center students only. A D2 Center application must be completed before a student can be enrolled. A minimum of 45 hours of class time and the successful completion of all assignments and tests is required.

About Carolyn

Carolyn Miller is one of the directors of the D2 Center. She is a graduate of Omaha Northwest High School and the University of Iowa. Carolyn has been with the D2 Center since 2010.
