D2 Center

Thank You! Omaha Gives! 2018

by | May 31, 2018 | General, Updates

THANK YOU!!! We are so thrilled with last week’s Omaha Gives! results. The D2 Center earned the very generous match pledged by our staff and board. Our results tallied out:

$5,005 online giving (39 unique donors)
+$3,695 match
=$8,700 total raised!

Huge thanks to all of our donors along with Omaha Community Foundation and American National Bank for putting on this fabulous event. Building strong relationships with struggling students is the foundation of the D2 Center, and money raised through Omaha Gives! goes directly to one-on-one activities supporting our mission. Thanks again!

About Carolyn

Carolyn Miller is one of the directors of the D2 Center. She is a graduate of Omaha Northwest High School and the University of Iowa. Carolyn has been with the D2 Center since 2010.
