D2 Center

D2 Center and the Early Childhood Services Teen & Young Parent Program

by | Mar 15, 2013 | General

Here at the D2 Center we partner with the Early Childhood Services Teen & Young Parent Program to help serve our students who are pregnant or parenting. ECS works with four local agencies: Visiting Nurse Association, Child Saving Institute, Lutheran Family Services and Nebraska Children’s Home Society to meet these clients’ needs.

While the D2 Center focuses on educational re-engagement and support (credit accrual, elective credit classes, the Careers & Community Engagement Program, and other services), ECS and these agencies work together to provide teens and young families prenatal education, childbirth education, and parenting classes, as well as support groups, counseling and more. Services are customized for each client. If you or someone you know could benefit from the ECS Teen & Young Parent Program, please see their website for more information.

We’re pleased to partner with ECS, one of our fellow Building Bright Futures programs, and these agencies to help teens in Douglas and Sarpy counties achieve their personal goals, including earning a high school diploma!

About Carolyn

Carolyn Miller is one of the directors of the D2 Center. She is a graduate of Omaha Northwest High School and the University of Iowa. Carolyn has been with the D2 Center since 2010.

